Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Night Before

Tomorrow night is the artist reception for my five day exhibit at the Jennie Cooley Gallery. My friend Kris, visiting from Michigan, helped me hang the pieces this afternoon. The one thing I really don't like about the process of being a photographer/artist is hanging a show. Kris made it go quickly with her critical eye and sense of balance. It was much less painful than past shows. It didn't hurt, either, that the nails went into the walls like butter. Thank you, Kris!

She snapped these photos for me. Here I am with Jennie Cooley, printmaker extraordinaire.

These are the "Plastic Relatives"

And these are the "Secret Keepers"


  1. Congratulations on the show & with the help hanging the work. That was always my least favorite thing to do at The Goat. I hope you had a wonderful reception.

  2. Congrats Jane - love the title. Hope all went well.


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